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    sodagreen is the most successful indie band in Greater China, despite of their indie background and unique music style, sodagreen achieved both critical and commercial success during their career years with several chart-topping hits and top-seller albums. sodagreen are no strangers to music awards, and they are the regulars at Greater China’s most prestigious music award - Golden Melody Awards (GMA). Qing-Feng as an individual songwriter and sodagreen as a band together have received 35-time GMA nominations and have won total 9 GMA awards combined, including 2007 “Best Composer Award” and 2016 “Best Lyricist Award” presented to Qing-Feng himself. No other band has ever achieved such remarkable accomplishment like sodagreen in the Mandopop music history.

    In 2020, sodagreen announced their comeback and released their new single Tomorrow will be fine. The six members also formed a new group Oaeen (literally "fish-nail-spool"), whose three characters are ideographic subparts of the characters in the original name Sodagreen. The Anglicization, "Oaeen," was a linguistically similar pun, made from the endings of the three syllables in "So-da-green". This name change was due to a name trademark dispute with former producer.

    In 2022, Oaeen released a re-recording of their first album sodagreen, titled Oaeen . This record included all tracks from sodagreen, as well as new cover songs, such as Pretty Thing by Charlotte Martin, and That I Would Be Good by Alanis Morissette. On 1 October 2022, the trademark on the sodagreen name was bought over by sodagreen, with a validity of 10 years. In a February 2023 concert, the band officially announced the return of Sodagreen as the band name and their 20th anniversary events starting from 2024.


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